IP to Country Database - find country by ip address

IP2Location™ IP-Country Database [DB1] provides a solution to determine the country of origin for any IP address in a few simple steps. First, retrieve the IP address from the networking protocol or server-side variable of web server. Next, translate the IP address to an IP number in … IP to Country Database (IPV4 and IPV6) IPV4 and IPV6 IP to Country Database: to search online as well as download. Database License: DONATIONWARE: Previously, This DB was licensed differently (GPL V3), which restricted many commercial developers from using it at all. Now, it's "donationware". Problem is, many are using it in commercial products, benefiting financially without giving IP2Location™ LITE IP-COUNTRY Database | IP2Location LITE IP2Location™ LITE IP-COUNTRY Database provides a solution to determine the country of origin for any IP address in a few simple steps. First, retrieve the IP address from the networking protocol or server-side variable of the Web server. Next, translate the IP address to an IP number in decimal format to speed up the database query.

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IP Addresses by Country | Asia - TRADINGECONOMICS.COM

IP Addresses by Country - TRADINGECONOMICS.COM IP Addresses by Country. World Europe America Asia Africa Australia G20 Country Last Previous Reference Unit; United States IP Country Codes List - Geo-targeting IP Address to Country