This is the difference between the minimum and maximum latency results of a ping test. It is useful to see how varied the latency results are so that network stability and broadband stability can be determined. Generally, jitter should be lower than 25 milliseconds.

On this page you can test the ping latency of your internet connection, and compare the performance of your IPv4 and IPv6 connectivity. Ping Run Test Test Result. Welcome to the Blizzard looking-glass tool. The test result could not be copied, press CTRL+C to copy it manually. Select the language What is ping: ping is method to measure minimum time needed to send smallest possible amount of data and receive response. For ping test are used ms units (1000 miliseconds = 1 second). Usual values for optics of cable connection is 5-20ms. Jan 08, 2019 · Latency. There are two normal factors that significantly influence the latency of a consumer device (like a cable modem, dsl modem or dial-up modem). The latency of the connecting device. For a cable modem, this can normally be between 5 and 40 ms. For a DSL modem this is normally 10 to 70ms. For a dial-up modem, this is normally anywhere from Not all latency is down to the network but you can soon tell by performing a ping test to several different websites. A consistently slow ping time indicates a problem with your ISP or their gateway. One or two slow ping times could mean a problem further into the network. What is ping: ping is method to measure minimum time needed to send smallest possible amount of data and receive response. For ping test are used ms units (1000 miliseconds = 1 second). Usual values for optics of cable connection is 5-20ms.

This website allows you to test the stability of your internet connection without having any application to install and without having a headache :) Using the ping command The ping command is available on all operating systems (Window, Linux …), but on some smartphones you will probably need to download a third-party application.

3on3 Freestyle Ping Calculator: Calculates 3on3 Freestyle Ping since it is not included in the game. Latency plays a crucial role in rebounding, diving, and defense. This is a simple tool to let you know your ping and how it measures up against others. Oct 07, 2019 · How to Test Latency With Ping. Ping is a free latency testing tool built into the operating system of every computer connected to a network. It works on the Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) and is often used by network administrators when diagnosing and troubleshooting internet connectivity issues. Ping is often interchangeable with latency, however, the term "ping" means the process of sending packets to a destination, and then receiving a ping back. The time it takes for the ping to reach said destination and come back is your latency. If someone is talking about ping/latency, they usually mean the same thing.

In example A, the latency is very consistent. In B, two of the five packets had latencies far above the norm. Jitter is sometimes referred to as "ping spikes" for this reason, because it is representative of occasional inconsistent spikes in latency.

Network Jitter Test / Ping Speed Test Ping and jitter are measures of the speed at which you can request and receive data (ping) and the variation in that response time (jitter). In essence, they are measures of the quality of your connection and are used to diagnose performance of real-time applications like video streaming or voice over